A big blue tent, in a grassy field, between a cathedral and the River Corrib, July 2015. The Little Green Cars open for St Vincent’s Digital Witness, the feature preeesentation. For a change it’s not raining, though it’s not exactly balmy. Good enough! On with the gig, and better than good enough.
You know it’s your neglect
Is the reason I’m so obsessed with you
Little Green Cars (artist), The John Wayne (song), Absolute Zero (album), 2013
People turn the TV on and throw it out the window, yeah
Get back to your stare
I care, but I don’t care
Oh oh, I, I want all of your mind
Give me all of your mind
I want all of your mind
Give me all of it.
St Vincent (artist), Digital Witness (song), St Vincent (album), Digital Witness (tour)
I went on a whim, with the Canon eos-1n, 50mm 1.8, and a half-cooked roll of Kodak's lovely t-max 100. I shot in Av, at 2.8 outside and 1.8 inside, with spot metering and mirror lock inside to try and get something useable. But I mostly tried to enjoy the music, and only lifted the camera a few times. Did some spotting, re-sizing, and "Flip Canvas Horizontal" in Photoshop after scanning (along with tons of dust) on an Epson v550.
All photos copyright Donal Kelly