Let’s Get Angry and Call it Like it is.
Inflame inflame!
There is not enough
Fire in the game,
Or teeth in the trough.
Stoke, stoke!
The peace of your pieces;
Shake from the smoke,
Sparks to the breezes.
Whip, …
Let’s Get Angry and Call it Like it is.
Inflame inflame!
There is not enough
Fire in the game,
Or teeth in the trough.
Stoke, stoke!
The peace of your pieces;
Shake from the smoke,
Sparks to the breezes.
Whip, …
Sit, sit and be still. Douse that ragged brain in cold water. let it sting until you settle, finally awake.
The preacher stands waiting at the gate. Is he coming or going, hearing or telling? With your finger raised to …